5 Benefits of Playing Outside with your Child

Here at Kaimana Tours we’re massive advocates of the great outdoors. We believe that our minds and bodies are somewhat healed every time we experience the beauty of Mother Nature. Unfortunately, according to childmind.org, the average American child spends four to seven minutes a day in unstructured outdoor play and nearly seven hoursa day in front of a screen. This month on the blog we’re talking about 5 key benefits of playing outside with your child.
There is no better place for a child to run, jump, catch, lift, climb, and observe than the outdoors. Various studies have shown that children who play outside get more aerobic exercise, gain more muscle and build more vitamin D than children who don’t. Naturally, these children also burn more calories, develop stronger bones and are less likely to develop chronic disease at a young age.
Unstructured outdoor play encourages children to take turns and play with others. It has also been proven to help children develop positive behavioral skills. They are more inventive, explorative, and eager to learn about the world around them. By playing with others, their communication and cooperation skills improve all while their stress levels are being reduced by the fresh air and sunlight.
While the children who spend seven or more hours in front of a screen typically use and develop only two senses, hearing and sight, those children who spend majority of their time outside develop all five senses. A recent vision and optometry science study showed that children who played outside regularly had better distance vision than those who were always indoors.
In studies revolving around children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD, those who spent a significant time outdoors exhibited few symptoms. Outdoor play encourages children to be more curious, self-directed and task oriented.
The pineal gland is a vital part of the brain associated with our immune system and level of happiness. Outdoor light has been known to positively stimulate that gland. Spending time outdoor and in nature has also been proven to improve one’s overall mood – I mean, who doesn’t love a happy and healthy child?!
We are firm believers that nature heals. May these 5 benefits encourage you to spend a little more time outside with your little loves. If you need some ideas of where to begin, we’d love to help – visit our tours tab above or give us a call!